Parque Bolivar

medellin wakling tour,

Parque Bolivar is home to a once a month market on the first Saturday of the month.  You can find hand crafted goods, paintings and all sorts of other fun stuff.   in itself the parque is beautiful originally donated by British engineer James Tyrrel Moore in 1844.

There is a wonderful story to it.  Originally Moore had wanted to name the area “New London”  after his native country, which did not stick.  The neighborhood recieved his second choice “Villa Nueva”.  However the real fun part is that after recieving the land and raffling off a house aswell (assumably to pay for construction)  the city works department  could not find any of the paper work of Moore giving up the land.  Moore did want the park to be a tribute to Simon Bolivar and also asked that the surrounding streets be named for countries he had liberated and sites that had to do with his lifes work .  So you will find Ecuador, Venezuela and Junín and Caracas streets, Peru and Bolivia.  Across the street is the cathedral “Basilica Metripolitana” also due to the generosity of Moore.  In the park you will find a Plaque de James Tyrrel Moore, statue of Simon Bolivar and a bust of  Guillermo Cano Isaza.

I love going here on any given day you will find people singing to a guitar or karaoke machine.  If you are walking around in the city it is a great place to just sit and grab some shade for a minute.

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